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Age 31, Male

Ultimate Gamer

University of Derp

Under moar Video games.

Joined on 5/10/08

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Remember how I said the Wii is better than the 360 and PS3? I thought that until I looked at the Wii and realized Nintendo was using poorly put together children's games to make money.

There's some Spongebob game on the Wii that uses that udraw thing(basically you draw stuff on this tablet and it comes up on screen) where all you do is flick the pen on the tablet. Literally. Like the show, Spongebob games used to be good, but suck nowadays.

Yeah, there was a commercial about that. I thought it was pretty silly.

I think they're puttin some other games from Humongous Entertainment on there, too.

If you manage to get your hands on MVC3, use Deadpool. He's good, and he's funny. And once you unlock Sentinel you can piss the fuck out of people in online matches.

Speaking of online, PSN is STILL down. Around April 17th some hacker stole the information of everyone's account and Sony's trying to fix it.

Yeah, I heard about him. Might check him out.

Yeah, I know. Now I feel lucky to have a 360 instead of a PS3. Ironic. ^_^;

Hey Shadic! Look, it's unbelievable! It's Killer Instinct 3! Right next to Waldo.

*steals 360* Wait...I...don't have...60 dollars...for a damn game....NOOOOOOO!

Bwa ha ha! Stealing a 360 to play online is pointless unless having a game! It's useless! Especially since I don't even have playing-online privileges.


u added music...


are we aloud to smoke?


Another surprise on the bottom of the page

<a href="http://sinhra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=598&start=70">http://sinhra.com/forum/viewtopic.php ?f=21&t=598&start=70</a>

Looks pretty good. Just need to get the face in.

Nevermind psn is up again.


i am tranquil...muhawhaw

Tranquils don't have evil laughs! XD

i'm still tranquil. i see a giant spider wanting to eat me...i will not scream, but i will run like a little girl.

Oh, don't worry. Here, you can hide inside this Cofagrigus. :}

When I saw that PSN was back up, I was jumping up and down out of excitement on the inside, while on the outside, I just smiled. Thank God it's back up.

So, what did I miss, other than the video you put up?

Lol. Didn't really concern me since I had a 360. XD

Nothin out of the ordinary, really.

Oh, really? I hope Xbox LIVE is next, then.

Really? Man, NG is quite uneventful as of late.

Don't say THAT. XD

Yup. Wish some of the old, unfinished Sonic or Mario series would return.

At least this is keepin me occupied:


I was so excited, jumping all over the place when I found psn was up. Then I found out that the PS Store is still down, which is the only thing I've ever used psn for...



Remember me Im back!

Eh? :3

Ever watch Bleach

All the time. The dubbed version only, tho.

Who is stronger Ichigo or you

Huh? That's a weird question. :\

^depends check shadic's mussles xD

Strong as ever! :P

Im like a week late, but Sakura's back because I saw her at school

But the bad thing is that she broke up with me D:

And you deserve it, too. -__-'

I know that i did, so I handled it really well.

I just hope that she finds someone else that isnt going to be a jerk and date someone else :(

I don't know why you had to date someone else, man. You coulda just told her that a long-distance relationship wasn't gonna work.

Hope you learned your lesson.

Who's stronger Sonic or Amy

Sonic, I guess.

@protomanblues Cool. I told my friend I'd break him out of jail before he gets beat up tonight but I'm just gonna go drink with my other friend.


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