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Age 31, Male

Ultimate Gamer

University of Derp

Under moar Video games.

Joined on 5/10/08

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Now then sirs, I believe that I have these skillz you speak of as well.

Look who's back. It's Fer---errr, chillbro. What's up, man?

What'd I do?

Got shorter classes "cuz of your skills". Very funny joke. Lol.

...I don't get it

Oh. .__.

Errrrr, movin on.......

Movin on to what?

Another topic. We could talk about Street Fighter X Tekken.

I hate crapcom. But it looks like they'll be receiving my money for this game

Lol. What do you think of the Gem System?

Its hothothot

Spicy, even. :B

Yaaaaay everything is so New & Awsome! Can't wait till it's complete :D Hey you, by the way :P

Good to see you again, Kaila. ^_^;

The design isn't complete???? Hm.....

Tweaks tweaks


I got Ultimate MVC3 yesterday. I never thought I'd see the Hulk be defeated by a Lawyer presenting evidence.

Welcome to the Crossover World. :D

It took some work to find. Nearly every place in the city had it sold out.

Haha. Yeah, I thought they would. Game's been sellin like fire. I was lucky to get mine.

BTW, whenever you're on, log onto Gmail if you can, alright?

I think Capcom did a good job with making new characters. Only 18 of the 56 characters from MVC2 are in UMVC3. Capcom finally balanced both sides too(in XVSF,MSHVSF, and MVC1 they had more Capcom characters. In MVC2 they had the same amount but Capcom just put another Wolverine in there).

And I'll try to get on G-Mail later.

If you think that's good, you should look at the newly released Street Fighter X Tekken.

"No one can beat me. Not even a mayor" - Zangief.


That game already came out? I might buy it. It looks like there's a lot of dlc characters. Hopefully Capcom learned what a good price is after what happened with MVC3.

I might get that game in a couple months when Tekken X Street Fighter comes out. I want to get both at the same time.

They.....did not. If you get the disk, you'll see.

Fun fact: Those two games may have been inspired by the Japan-only RPG game, Namco X Capcom.

Haha. I hope so.

Nevermind, Tekken X Street Fighter doesn't come out until next year.


So Capcom screwed up with the prices again I'm guessing.

But hey, at least I can get the PS3 version and play as Cole from Infamous and those two weird cat things.

Jup. In the most retarded way they could.

Heh. Glad you'll have fun with it.

I read about it. They could have just put a giant middle finger on the title screen.

That would've hurt less. XD

Street Fighter X Tekken: Bringing you a fraction of the game since 2012.

Haha. The gameplay's good, but the DLC still bugs me. I can't wait to get the game.

I heard a lot of people were pissed off about the version of "Mega Man" that appears in the PS3 version. Can't Capcom make a joke?

They're supposed to talk more about the DLC in April. Of course, looking at the prices of Jill and Shuma-Gorath, the DLC will be the same price as the game.

It's cuz they used American box Megaman. I found it hilarious. XD

Ugh.....I can't wait till April, cuz this seems ridiculous.

Yeah, this shit is crazy, I haven't been on in forever and this new layout hit me straight in the face...

Haha. Hey, man.

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