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November: Before the True month.

Posted by Shadic93 - November 3rd, 2010

Hey all! Well, it's November. Nothin really out of ordinary this month except for Veterans' Day and Thanksgiving. It's the month b4 December, so I guess you could get excited about that. For DBZ fans that still play the games, Raging Blast 2 comes out this month.

Oh yeah! XBox Live got a Dashboard change 2 days ago. In my opinion, I actually like it. The Avatar Marketplace has more items for free, they have backdrops, and new music. I haven't seen everythin that's changed (IF everythin has changed), so keep an eye out for me, K?

Plans, anyone?

/* */


The dashboard is gay! It's a waste of time if you honestly look at it. They changed it to be compatable with Kinect or whatever the fuck it's called. They haven't changed anything besides pissing alot of Xbox owners. But as long as you like it that's good. Glad someone likes it.

Glad to see that you like it. ^_^"

Are you 1 of those XBox owners? -__-'

Well, the update is fine. I hate the white tho. It blows. It kinda pissed me off that it took 30 minutes out of my day for that download. It's ok otherwise...

30? Took me 5.

Lucky bastard. Altho. The fact that I was downloading it on all 3 of my X-boxs might have had an effect on that. Oh well.

3? -__-'

Wait. Then you have a gamertag, right? Lemme have it.

The Avater Marketplace has more items now? I hadn't even checked. I did notice the new music however.

Yep. And they even have some backdrops now. ^__^

You already have my gamertag.

Oh yeah. I almost forgot. :P

I noticed this when I logged in as you:

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/icons/submit/userpic/Shadic93">http://www.newgrounds.com/icons/submi t/userpic/Shadic93</a>

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/icons/submit/usericon/Shadic93">http://www.newgrounds.com/icons/submi t/usericon/Shadic93</a>

Fill these out when you have the time.

As for me, I have no plans... but I am looking forward to Thanksgiving Break (I NEED A 1 WEEK BREAK GODDAMNIT)

They haven't changed when I logged in. It might be just you.

Me neither, but that break is still far away for us, man. XD

I'm off thursday but not friday lolwut?

Lol, same here. XD

I'm finish with kanokon I got to say that was a beutiful anime so your trying to watch any of the erotica anime I listed

Nah. Right now, I'm just stayin with normal anime for now.

oh and heres it ending full <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/superpowerstar64?feature=mhum#p/f/6/vm_mQmjyvts">http://www.youtube.com/user/superpowe rstar64?feature=mhum#p/f/6/vm_mQmjyvt s</a>


Did they do anything with the zune stuff or is it the same(for xbox 360)

I think so. I didn't check it.

Oh, I got a new xbox live btw

Let's hear the gamertag.


Dude, you sure you typed it in right? I can't find you.

Do you like Green Day?

Uh, I guess.

-Red above response-

Nope, I'm not sure if I typed it in right. If you were trying to friend request me, then do you just want me to FR you.

If yes, then do I shoot it to the same gamertag as last time?

Yep. Just send it to the same 1: Shadster55.

How close are you to getting a Gold account?

I'm close.......to bein an inch closer to still bein far away of gettin 1.

Use your credit card

Don't have 1. And it's really annoying when people bug me about that. So much people ask me that and it's really irritating.

Ok, lets swutch topics

Thank you.

The Dragon ball RB2 demo proved to be way better thenbthe first one by a lot.

Not really a lot. Just by that O.D. Rage you get when you go High Tension.

The TRAILER proved RB2 to be better than RB IMO.

Wonder how goid it will do in sales

Bet it's still running high.

Wait, the games already out?

For a while, bra. You're late.

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