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Streets of Rage.

Posted by Shadic93 - July 2nd, 2011

I've been lookin at a couple of tracks, and I've been comparin various Streets of Rage tracks together, especially the Main Themes. I've noticed that Streets of Rage 1 & 2 are really good, yet Streets of Rage 3's music wasn't as good. It had me thinkin. And then there's the Streets of Rage V5 Remake to consider. I haven't checked out their music yet since I'm still confused about this game. It's a fan-made game, right?

Anyway, the topic is up for discussion: Which tracks for Streets of Rage 1, 2, & 3 were better?

Final Fight can be discussed here, too. Now, discuss.


Sega really could use their franchises. They have so many, yet they only use Sonic.

People say Streets of Rage ripped off Final Fight, but you might as well say Final Fight ripped off Double Dragon(in fact, the creator said DD2 was the inspiration for it). Before it was Final Fight, it was a Street Fighter sequel, but it had almost nothing to do with Street Fighter. Also, that was technically Chun Li's first appearance as she made a cameo in that game.

I know, right?

And besides, they were basic beat-em-up games in the 90s. You can't really compare the 2.

I didn't know Chun-Li had a Cameo in Final Fight. Which stage was it?

Sega is only still alive through the crash of Sonic because of the other games they sold. If they only had Sonic, they most likely would have been bankrupt by now.

Besides, I think their profits were increasing ever since Sonic Unleashed was out.

Exactly. Stuff like Virtua Fighter and SEGA Rally help SEGA to help Sonic games to flourish.

And it kept goin up when Sonic Colors came out. Imagine what would happen when Sonic Generations comes ou.t Total fangasm. XD

Coming from the last post, I got 2 more SAT books to do. That brings the count to 30 difference practice tests I have in total.

That doesn't count the test prep book I have (the one with scattered problems from all 3 sections).

My summer is going to hell starting tomorrow.

It'd be impossible not to pass after readin all of that. O__O

Sorry, bra.

I forget which stage, but you can see her in the backround eating.


I love the music from stage one of SOR2.

Same here. Really good.

Hey hey! Sega always did come through with their music in its early days, no matter which game.

So true. I can't agree for SOR3.

also, Ima have to take you up on that MvC3 match later.

Too late. I think Gold Weekend's ova. :(

With my shitty luck I'll probably score lower than last time despite all that practice.

Hopefully the new Sonic game won't be a failure.

Today I did 60 of those vocabulary questions in the reading. I guessed on about 20 of them... gah.........

I'm going to shoot for 2400. That way, if I fall short, I'll get my target score (2000). If I shoot for 2000, I'll get 1800. Sounds reasonable?

Practice all you want; it'll only be circumstantial when you get to the actual thing. That's why I didn't study as much.

I hope not.

Gonna need a really BIG dictionary. XD

As long as you put in the effort for it, it sounds like a long shot, but still somewhat in reach. I.E. , go for it. ;)

I'm in Philadelphia waiting for fireworks.

The people here are acting like complete freaking animals in a jungle.

Haha. Yeah, the locals there can get pretty crazy on Independence Day. :D



Typical Philadelphia. XD

OK I probably freaked out there, but it was quite justified too. Imagine watching fireworks and you hear 2 shots followed by a stampede of people running towards you. I actually caught part of the stampede on film. Whether or not I should show it here I'll think about tonight, since if there really is a stampede/shooting I'm sure authorities will scour for any available evidence.

My dad had my sister on his shoulders, and the stampede almost knocked her off his shoulder. If she fell head-first to the concrete-sidewalk, that would NOT be pretty... people can be complete jackasses.


It's true that what performance you make on the real thing will clearly matter most, but it's better to go in fired up than be blind. At least by prepping you know what nonsense is coming at you.

One of my books has an 800 vocab word list. Another has about 200. So I have to make ~ 1000 flash cards to memorize them. I know about 200 (pathetic, I know), so time to get to work. Too bad the stupid back to school sale is not here yet, so I'm not getting flash cards anytime soon.

Speaking of supplies, there's an offer from Staples where if you buy $100+ worth of items, you get a free steel water bottle (good thing - plastic bottles give water a bad taste) AND bookbag. I told my mom I'm going to buy a hard drive (I'm expecting to pay about $50-$80, and yes it's my money since it's entirely my drive) so the bookbag and bottle is mine. The remaining $20-$50 she has to cough up by getting other stuff like printing paper, binders, etc.

While I'm at the drive topic, let me ask you this: Is it profitable to get a 320 GB drive ($50) or a 500 GB drive ($80)? Do not consider the number of files I have to store in it.


I'm going to go for 2400. I always said to myself "The vocab section is only worth 170 so why bother" but I bet I was kidding myself when I said that and missed free points. Besides, with a 2400 goal, I have to study EVERYTHING, so that leaves no room for slacking. If I had a 2000 goal, I would slack off a bit (but end up slacking too much) and then kill myself on the test. The 400 point gap I give myself for aiming 2400 is reserved for guessing penalties.

Aim as high as you can - even if you think you can't make it. Right now I know I'm sure as hell am NOT getting a 2400, but I'll try for it.

Don't reach for the sky, reach for the STARS.

She's alright tho, right?

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I doubt it'd be open this early in Summer anyway.

I'd go for the $80 500 GB, provided everythin else was backed up. Comparin the 2, you get 180 GB more for only $30 more. That's a deal right there compared to today's prices.

I read your reply to Alfraydo, and when you wrote "ova" I misinterpreted it as the female egg cell, even though it obviously meant "over".

Keep an eye out for those things.

Lol. Sorry if I made you think I was sayin "Ovary". XD

Bah screw it... what authorities are going to snoop around Newgrounds anyway? It's probably the last place they will look for this type of crap.

Here's the video URL:

<a href="http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jri47i51w2o6djr">http://www.mediafire.com/download.php ?jri47i51w2o6djr</a>

It weighs 167 MB, so if you have a slow internet, get ready for long download time or don't download it.

If you downloaded it, listen closely from 4" to 6" (4 sec - 6 sec). You'll hear 2 snapping sounds, followed by the crowd screaming and a shitty shot of the stampede. Could the snapping be the gun shots?

DISCLAIMER: My voice is seriously messed up in this video. I do NOT sound like that. I hate how the camera records it.

I'll download it a lil later today.

Your voice is in it? Oh sweet. XD

BTW, I probably won't get any Sonic games for awhile after Sonic Colors since college is coming up, and I need to spend money wisely. The hard drive investment is a stretch, but it will be useful in college.

Maybe if I find a lump of cash, wait for the price to drop to $20 or bust my ass out of college and into a good job will I go back to buying Sonic. Until then, my Sonic game streak stops here.

When I get a job, I plan on getting a truck load of crap (after necessities have been covered, of course). Examples are high-megapixel cameras, SD cards to supplement them (I'm big on photography), computer, and iPhone. Wii and Sonic will come if I have extra spare cash after that. (Altogether I think it would cost about $2,000, which is like a drop in the bucket for a $50,000 salary.)

The idea is to get everything you want before you get a wife and kids. You'll have shit ton of money before marriage. After marriage and kids come, you'll be squelching for every penny you can save. Don't forget ripoff college fees to pay for your kids.

The idea is to get everything you want before you start the family. I bet my plan has huge flaws, but I'm only 16, so I won't realize them until I'm like... 21...

I'd suggest Starbucks. It'll earn you money AND keep you awake. ^_^

Yeah, gotta cosider gettin some pocket change b4 the wife and kids squeeze it outta you. -__-'

Oh, and I forgot to mention to try and get the sofa, TV, tables, chairs, and other stuff that your parents have in your house covered too.

The biggest thing (and best thing) you can save up on after getting a job is a huge down payment for your new home. My parents paid 25% of our house price in down payment, and according to them it was their entire savings. I'm sure this is a flawless idea, but with me writing this at 2 AM, it's probably a stupid idea.

I don't know how I got to this topic. Something to think about I guess. This is more relevant to you than it is to me, since you're entering college, and are 1 year ahead of me.

Why do I think "Singles' Lounge" when you say all that stuff. XD

Their entire savings? Hm.....

More relevant than ya think.

Last question before I should GTFO and go to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:

Are you still going to come to NG when you go to college?

(And starting September, with 3 APs up my ass, I probably will come here like once a month at most. I only come here daily since I have more free time, when I'm not doing SAT that is...)

Maybe not as often on Mondays and Wednesdays since I'll probably be gettin home around evening, but I'll still have a lil time for myself to come here.

Describe the ideal (dream) house you would want to live in when you're out of college.

I haven't really given it much thought. For some reason, I can't get myself off "Singles' Lounge". Lol.

12 comments in a row... I must be on crack or something... (I'm actually bored.)

Good night....... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzz

*Puts Blanket over SMBS*

Rest easy, SMBS. The next day will be more promising; you'll see.

^I did not slip anything into any drink. YOU'RE LYING!



^ NO U



Explain this fucking phenomenon to me:

<a href="http://www.staples.com/Seagate-FreeAgent-GoFlex-500GB-Ultra-Portable-Hard-Drive-USB-3.0-">http://www.staples.com/Seagate-FreeAg ent-GoFlex-500GB-Ultra-Portable-Hard-


<a href="http://www.staples.com/Seagate-FreeAgent-GoFlex-320GB-Ultra-Portable-Hard-Drive-USB-2.0-">http://www.staples.com/Seagate-FreeAg ent-GoFlex-320GB-Ultra-Portable-Hard-

If I'm not blind, both cost $70, yet one is 500 GB and another is 320 GB.


They're both $69.99, which is approximately $70. Your eyeballs didn't lie to you.

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